The Best Fluffy Pancakes recipe you will fall in love with. Full of tips and tricks to help you make the best pancakes.

Category Jalaluddin Rumi

I Am Only the House of Your Beloved

“I am only the house of your beloved,not the beloved herself:true love is for the treasure,not for the coffer that contains it.”The real beloved is that one who is unique,who is your beginning and your end.When you find that one,you’ll…

Bring Wine

Bring wine, for I am suffering crop sickness from the vintage;God has seized me, and I am thus held fast.By love’s soul, bring me a cup of wine that is the envy of thesun, for I care aught but love.Bring…

Book1 Prologue

Hearken to the reed-flute, how it complains,Lamenting its banishment from its home: “Ever since they tore me from my osier bed,My plaintive notes have moved men and women to tears.I burst my breast, striving to give vent to sighs,And to…

I Am Part of the Load

I am part of the loadNot rightly balancedI drop off in the grass,like the old Cave-sleepers, to browsewherever I fall. For hundreds of thousands of years I have been dust-grainsfloating and flying in the will of the air,often forgetting ever…


I made a far journeyEarth’s fair cities to view,but like to love’s cityCity none I knew At the first I knew notThat city’s worth,And turned in my follyA wanderer on earth. From so sweet a countryI must needs pass,And like…

Reality and Appearance

‘Tis light makes colour visible: at nightRed, greene, and russet vanish from thy sight.So to thee light by darness is made known:Since God hat none, He, seeing all, deniesHimself eternally to mortal eyes.From the dark jungle as a tiger bright,Form…

The Progress of Man

First he appeared in the realm inanimate;Thence came into the world of plants and livedThe plant-life many a year, nor called to mindWhat he had been; then took the onward wayTo animal existence, and once moreRemembers naught of what life…

The Unseen Power

We are the flute, our music is all Thine;We are the mountains echoing only Thee;And movest to defeat or victory;Lions emblazoned high on flags unfurled—They wind invisible sweeps us through the world.

The True Sufi

What makes the Sufi? Purity of heart;Not the patched mantle and the lust perverseOf those vile earth-bound men who steal his name.He in all dregs discerns the essence pure:In hardship ease, in tribulation joy.The phantom sentries, who with batons drawnGuard…