The Best Fluffy Pancakes recipe you will fall in love with. Full of tips and tricks to help you make the best pancakes.

Category Federico García Lorca

The Spinster at Mass

Beneath the cradle of incense,asleep. Eyes of bulls watched you.Your rosary rained. In that dress of deep silk,Virginia, do not move. Offer your dark melon breaststo the murmur of the Mass.

Lucía Martínez

Lucía Martínez.Shadow of red silk. Your thighs like eveningmove from light to shade.Hidden jet darkensyour magnolias. I am here, Lucía Martínez,here to consume your mouthand drag you by the hairinto the seashell dawn. Because I want to, because I can.Red…

Second Anniversary

The moon nails to the seaa large horn of light. Green and grey unicorn,shuddering yet ecstatic. Sky floating on the airlike an enormous lotus flower. (You alone patrollingthe last station of night!)

First Anniversary

The girl passes across my brow.Ancient, ancient feeling! What use to me, I ask,are paper, verse, ink? To me your flesh isred lily, cool reed. Dark girl of the full moon.What do you want of my desire?

He Died at Dawn

Night of four moonsand a single treewith a single shadowand a single bird. I search my flesh for themark of your lips.The fountain kisses the windwithout touching it. The No you told me I bearin the palm of my handlike…

The Moon Appears

When the moon risesbells are lostand impenetrablepaths appear. When the moon rises,sea covers landand the heart feels likean island in infinity. No one eats orangesbeneath a full moon.Ice-cold green fruitis right. When the moon rises,with the same hundred faces,silver coinssob…

In a Girl’s Ear

I didn’t want to.I didn’t want to tell you a thing. In your eyes I sawtwo mad little trees.Of air, of laughter, of gold. They swayed. I didn’t want to.I didn’t want to tell you a thing.


Child!You’ll fall in the river! In the depths there’s a roseand in the rose another river. See that bird! Lookat that yellow bird! My eyes have disappearedinto the water. Oh!He’s slipping! Little boy! . . . and I myself am…


My shadow moves silentlydown the coursing water. My shadow deprives the frogsof stars. The shadow sends my bodyreflections of still things. My shadow moves like a hugeviolet gnat. A hundred crickets try to gildthe light of the reeds. A new…


I saw you thus The young woman, dead,in the shell of the bed,stripped of breeze and flowersrose into undimmed light. The world remained,a lily of cotton and shade,through window paneswatching the infinite transit. The young woman, dead,proffered love from within.Her…