The Best Fluffy Pancakes recipe you will fall in love with. Full of tips and tricks to help you make the best pancakes.

Category Federico García Lorca

Little Infinite Poem

For Luis Cardoza y Aragón To take the wrong roadis to arrive at snowand arriving at snowis to graze for centuries on graveyard weeds. To take the wrong roadis to arrive at woman,woman fearless of light,woman who kills two cockerels…

Blacks in Cuba, Their Son

As soon as there’s a full moon, I’ll go to Santiago, Cuba,I’ll go to Santiagoin a coach of black water.I’ll go to Santiago.Palm roofs will sing.I’ll go to Santiago.When the palm tree wants to be a stork,I’ll go to Santiago.And…

Cry to Rome

(From the Tower of the Chrysler Building) Apples with flesh-woundsmade by slender silver swords,clouds slashed by a coral hand,a fire-filled almond on its back,arsenic fish like sharks,sharks like tear-drops to blind a multitude,roses that woundand needles lodged in the blood’s…


In the end the moon could stay on the horses’ blinding white curve.A ray of violent light escaping from the woundshot the instant of a dead boy’s circumcision into the sky.Blood flowed down the mountain and the angels searched it…

The King of Harlem

With a spoonhe scooped out crocodiles’ eyesand whacked monkeys’ backsides.With a spoon. The fire of forever slept in the flintsand beetles drunk on anisforgot the village moss.The old mushroom-covered manwent to where the blacks weptwhile the king’s spoon crackledand tanks…

Dead from Love

To Margarita Manso ‘What is that gleamingon the high galleries?’‘My son, close the door,eleven has just struck.’‘Four unwelcome lampsshine in my eyes.’‘The people there must bescouring copperware.’ * Garlic of dying silverthe waning moon placesheads of yellow hairon the yellow…

Death of Antonito el Camborio

To José Antonio Rubio Sacristán Voices of death soundedby the Guadalquivir.Ancient voices encirclinga virile carnation voice.His boar’s teethclamped themselves to their boots.In the fight his leapswere slippery as dolphins.He soaked his crimson tiein his enemy’s bloodbut there were four daggersand…

The Gypsy Nun

To Jose Moreno Villa Silence of myrtle and lime.Wild mallow in fine grass.The nun embroiders wallflowerson a straw-coloured cloth.The seven birds of the prism flitamongst the greyness of the chandelier.The church growls in the distancelike a stricken bear.How well she…

Dreamwalker Ballad

To Gloria Giner and Fernando de los Rios Green how I want you green.Green wind. Green branches.Boat on the seaand horse on the mountain.Shadow at her waistshe dreams at her railing,green flesh, green hair,and eyes of cold silver.Green how I…