The Best Fluffy Pancakes recipe you will fall in love with. Full of tips and tricks to help you make the best pancakes.

Category Federico García Lorca

Juan Ramón Jiménez

In the infinite white,snow, salt-flat, spikenard,his imagination went. On then, colour white,across a soundless carpetof pigeon feathers. No eyes, no gesture, motionless,a dream plagues him.But inside he trembles. In the infinite white,the pure white woundhis imagination left! In the infinite…


Green murmur, intact.The fig tree spreads out its arms to me. Like a panther, it shadowsmy lyrical shadow. The moon counts dogs,gets lost and starts again. Yesterday, tomorrow, black and green,you circle my laurel wreath. If only you changed my…


The songI’ll never singfell silent on my lips.The songI’ll never sing. A fireflywas on the honeysuckleand a moonbeamstabbed the water. So then I dreamtthe songI’ll never sing. Song filled with lips,welling up from afar. Song filled with hourscounted olf in…

It’s true!

What it costs meto love you as I do! Air hurts me,heart,hat,loving you. Who’ll buy my hatband,this sadness of white thread,and turn them into handkerchiefs? What it costs meto love you as I do!

Horseman’s Song

Córdoba,alone and far. Black pony, large moon,olives in my saddlebag.Though I know the wayI’ll never get to Cordoba. Through the wind, across the plain,black pony, red moon.Death is watching mefrom the towers of Córdoba. Such a long road!My valiant mount!Death…

Foolish Song

Mama,I want to turn into silver. Son,you’d freeze. Mama,I want to turn into water. Son,you’d freeze. Mama,sew me into your pillow. This time yes,and straightaway!

Nocturnes at the Window

To the memory of José de Ciria y Escalante. Poet 1 The moon rides high.The wind runs below. (My sweeping gazeexplores the sky.) Moon on water.Moon below the wind. (My close gazeexplores the ground.) Two girls’ voicesapproached. EasilyI went from…


But like love’sarrows, saetasfly blind. Saetas,burning lilystreaking green night. The keel of the moonbreaks mulberry cloudsand quiversfill with dew. Ay, but like love’sarrows, saetasfly blind!


Lolasings saetas.Pretend toreroscircle round,and from his doorwaythe little barbernods his headin rhythm.Among the basiland mint,Lola singssaetas.Lola, shewho gazed at herselffor so long in the pool.


Dark Christpassesfrom lily of Judaeato carnation of Spain. See where he comes! Of Spain.Clean dark sky,Sun-browned earth,and riverbeds whose watercreeps by.Dark Christ,scorched locks of hairhigh cheekbonesand white pupils. See where he goes!