The Best Fluffy Pancakes recipe you will fall in love with. Full of tips and tricks to help you make the best pancakes.

Category Ezra Pound

Langue d’Oc

Alba  When the nightingale to his mate Sings day-long and night late My love and I keep state In bower, In flower, ”Till the watchman on the tower Cry:        “Up! Thou rascal, Rise,        I see the white       …

Homage to Sextus Propertius, XII.

Who, who will be the next man to entrust his girl to a friend?Love interferes with fidelities;The gods have brought shame on their relatives;Each man wants the pomegranate for himself;Amiable and harmonious people are pushed incontinent intoduels,A Trojan and adulterous…

Homage to Sextus Propertius, XI.

1The harsh acts of your levity!Many and many.I am hung here, a scare-crow for lovers. 2Escape! There is, O Idiot, no escape,Flee if you like into Ranaus,desire will follow you thither,Though you heave into the air upon the gilded Pegasean…

Homage to Sextus Propertius, X.

Light, light of my eyes, at an exceeding late hour I was wandering,And intoxicated,and no servant was leading me,And a minute crowd of small boys came from opposite,I do not know what boys,And I am afraid of numerical estimate,And some…

Homage to Sextus Propertius, IX.

1The twisted rhombs ceased their clamour of accompaniment;The scorched laurel lay in the fire-dust;The moon still declined to descend out of heaven, But the black ominous owl hoot was audible. And one raft bears our fates         …

Homage to Sextus Propertius, VIII.

Jove, be merciful to that unfortunate womanOr an ornamental death will be held to your debit,The time is come, the air heaves in torridity,The dry earth pants against the canicular heat,But this heat is not the root of the matter:She…

Homage to Sextus Propertius, VII.

Me happy, night, night full of brightness;Oh couch made happy by my long delectations;How many words talked out with abundant candles;Struggles when the lights were taken away;Now with bared breasts she wrestled against me,             …

Homage to Sextus Propertius, VI.

When, when, and whenever death closes our eyelids,Moving naked over AcheronUpon the one raft, victor and conquered together,Marius and Jugurtha together,one tangle of shadows. Caesar plots against India,Tigris and Euphrates shall, from now on, flow at his bidding,Tibet shall be…

Homage to Sextus Propertius, V.

1 Now if ever it is time to cleanse Helicon;to lead Emathian horses afield,And to name over the census of my chiefs in the Roman camp.If I have not the faculty, ‘The bare attempt would be praise-worthy.’‘In the things of…

Homage to Sextus Propertius, IV.

Difference of Opinion With Lygdamus Tell me the truths which you hear of our constant young lady,Lygdamus,And may the bought yoke of a mistress lie withequitable weight on your shoulders;For I am swelled up with inane pleasurabilitiesand deceived by your…