The Best Fluffy Pancakes recipe you will fall in love with. Full of tips and tricks to help you make the best pancakes.

Category Emily Dickinson

We turn not older with years, but newer every day.

To fill a Gap

To fill a Gap Insert the Thing that caused it— Block it up With Other—and ’twill yawn the more— You cannot solder an Abyss With Air.

To fight aloud, is very brave

To fight aloud, is very brave— But gallanter, I know Who charge within the bosom The Cavalry of Woe— Who win, and nations do not see— Who fall—and none observe— Whose dying eyes, no Country Regards with patriot love— We…

To die—takes just a little while

To die—takes just a little while— They say it doesn’t hurt— It’s only fainter—by degrees— And then—it’s out of sight— A darker Ribbon—for a Day— A Crape upon the Hat— And then the pretty sunshine comes— And helps us to…

To be alive—is Power

To be alive—is Power— Existence—in itself— Without a further function— Omnipotence—Enough— To be alive—and Will! ‘Tis able as a God— The Maker—of Ourselves—be what— Such being Finitude!

Till Death—is narrow Loving

Till Death—is narrow Loving— The scantest Heart extant Will hold you till your privilege Of Finiteness—be spent— But He whose loss procures you Such Destitution that Your Life too abject for itself Thenceforward imitate— Until—Resemblance perfect— Yourself, for His pursuit…

Through the strait pass of suffering

Through the strait pass of suffering— The Martyrs—even—trod. Their feet—upon Temptations— Their faces—upon God— A stately—shriven—Company— Convulsion—playing round— Harmless—as streaks of Meteor— Upon a Planet’s Bond— Their faith—the everlasting troth— Their Expectation—fair— The Needle—to the North Degree— Wades—so—thro’ polar Air!

Through the Dark Sod—as Education

Through the Dark Sod—as Education— The Lily passes sure— Feels her white foot—no trepidation— Her faith—no fear— Afterward—in the Meadow— Swinging her Beryl Bell— The Mold-life—all forgotten—now— In Ecstasy—and Dell—

Through lane it lay—through bramble

Through lane it lay—through bramble— Through clearing and through wood— Banditti often passed us Upon the lonely road. The wolf came peering curious— The owl looked puzzled down— The serpent’s satin figure Glid stealthily along— The tempests touched our garments—…