The Best Fluffy Pancakes recipe you will fall in love with. Full of tips and tricks to help you make the best pancakes.

Category Emily Dickinson

We turn not older with years, but newer every day.

My best Acquaintances are those

My best Acquaintances are those With Whom I spoke no Word— The Stars that stated come to Town Esteemed Me never rude Although to their Celestial Call I failed to make reply— My constant—reverential Face Sufficient Courtesy.

Must be a Woe

Must be a Woe— A loss or so— To bend the eye Best Beauty’s way— But—once aslant It notes Delight As difficult As Stalactite A Common Bliss Were had for less— The price—is Even as the Grace— Our lord—thought no…

Musicians wrestle everywhere 🎷🎺

Musicians wrestle everywhere— All day—among the crowded air I hear the silver strife— And—walking—long before the morn— Such transport breaks upon the town I think it that “New Life”! If is not Bird—it has no nest— Nor “Band”—in brass and…

Morns like these—we parted


Morns like these—we parted— Noons like these—she rose— Fluttering first—then firmer To her fair repose. Never did she lisp it— It was not for me— She—was mute from transport— I—from agony— Till—the evening nearing One the curtains drew— Quick! A…

Morning—means 🥛

“Morning”—means “Milking”—to the Farmer— Dawn—to the Teneriffe— Dice—to the Maid— Morning means just Risk—to the Lover— Just revelation—to the Beloved— Epicures—date a Breakfast—by it— Brides—an Apocalypse— Worlds—a Flood— Faint-going Lives—Their Lapse from Sighing— Faith—The Experiment of Our Lord

More Life—went out—when He went

More Life—went out—when He went Than Ordinary Breath— Lit with a finer Phosphor— Requiring in the Quench— A Power of Renowned Cold, The Climate of the Grave A Temperature just adequate So Anthracite, to live— For some—an Ampler Zero— A…

Mine—by the Right of the White Election!

Mine—by the Right of the White Election!Mine—by the Royal Seal!Mine—by the Sign in the Scarlet prison—Bars—cannot conceal! Mine—here—in Vision—and in Veto!Mine—by the Grave’s Repeal—Tilted—Confirmed—Delirious Charter!Mine—long as Ages steal!