The Best Fluffy Pancakes recipe you will fall in love with. Full of tips and tricks to help you make the best pancakes.

Category Emily Dickinson

We turn not older with years, but newer every day.

Precious to Me—She still shall be

Precious to Me—She still shall be— Though She forget the name I bear— The fashion of the Gown I wear— The very Color of My Hair— So like the Meadows—now— I dared to show a Tress of Theirs If haply—She…

Prayer is the little implement

Prayer is the little implement Through which Men reach Where Presence—is denied them. They fling their Speech By means of it—in God’s Ear— If then He hear— This sums the Apparatus Comprised in Prayer—

Poor little Heart!

Poor little Heart! Did they forget thee? Then dinna care! Then dinna care! Proud little Heart! Did they forsake thee? Be debonnaire! Be debonnaire! Frail little Heart! I would not break thee— Could’st credit me? Could’st credit me? Gay little…

Pigmy seraphs—gone astray

Pigmy seraphs—gone astray— Velvet people from Vevay— Balles from some lost summer day— Bees exclusive Coterie— Paris could not lay the fold Belted down with Emerald— Venice could not show a check Of a tint so lustrous meek— Never such…

Perhaps you’d like to buy a flower

Perhaps you’d like to buy a flower, But I could never sell— If you would like to borrow, Until the Daffodil Unties her yellow Bonnet Beneath the village door, Until the Bees, from Clover rows Their Hock, and Sherry, draw,…

Perhaps you think me stooping

Perhaps you think me stooping I’m not ashamed of that Christ—stooped until He touched the Grave— Do those at Sacrament Commemorative Dishonor Or love annealed of love Until it bend as low as Death Redignified, above?

Perhaps I Asked Too Large

Perhaps I asked too large — I take — no less than skies — For Earths, grow thick as Berries, in my native town — My Basked holds — just — Firmaments — Those — dangle easy — on my…

Patience—has a quiet Outer

Patience—has a quiet Outer— Patience—Look within— Is an Insect’s futile forces Infinites—between— ‘Scaping one—against the other Fruitlesser to fling— Patience—is the Smile’s exertion Through the quivering—