The Best Fluffy Pancakes recipe you will fall in love with. Full of tips and tricks to help you make the best pancakes.

Category Emily Dickinson

We turn not older with years, but newer every day.

That after Horror—that ’twas us

That after Horror—that ’twas us— That passed the mouldering Pier— Just as the Granite Crumb let go— Our Savior, by a Hair— A second more, had dropped too deep For Fisherman to plumb— The very profile of the Thought Puts…

Tell all the Truth but tell it slant

Tell all the Truth but tell it slant—Success in Circuit liesToo bright for our infirm DelightThe Truth’s superb surprise As Lightning to the Children easedWith explanation kindThe Truth must dazzle graduallyOr every man be blind—

Teach Him—When He makes the names

Teach Him—When He makes the names— Such an one—to say— On his babbling—Berry—lips— As should sound—to me— Were my Ear—as near his nest— As my thought—today— As should sound— “Forbid us not”— Some like “Emily.”

Talk with prudence to a Beggar

Talk with prudence to a Beggar Of “Potose,” and the mines! Reverently, to the Hungry Of your viands, and your wines! Cautious, hint to any Captive You have passed enfranchised feet! Anecdotes of air in Dungeons Have sometimes proved deadly…

Taking up the fair Ideal

Taking up the fair Ideal, Just to cast her down When a fracture—we discover— Or a splintered Crown— Makes the Heavens portable— And the Gods—a lie— Doubtless—”Adam”—scowled at Eden— For his perjury! Cherishing—our pool Ideal— Till in purer dress— We…

Take your Heaven further on

Take your Heaven further on— This—to Heaven divine Has gone— Had You earlier blundered in Possibly, e’en You had seen An Eternity—put on— Now—to ring a Door beyond Is the utmost of Your Hand— To the Skies—apologize— Nearer to Your…

Sweet—You forgot—but I remembered

Sweet—You forgot—but I remembered Every time—for Two— So that the Sum be never hindered Through Decay of You— Say if I erred? Accuse my Farthings— Blame the little Hand Happy it be for You—a Beggar’s— Seeking More—to spend— Just to…

Sweet, to have had them lost

Sweet, to have had them lost For news that they be saved— The nearer they departed Us The nearer they, restored, Shall stand to Our Right Hand— Most precious and the Dead— Next precious Those that rose to go— Then…

Sweet Mountains—Ye tell Me no lie

Sweet Mountains—Ye tell Me no lie— Never deny Me—Never fly— Those same unvarying Eyes Turn on Me—when I fail—or feign, Or take the Royal names in vain— Their far—slow—Violet Gaze— My Strong Madonnas—Cherish still— The Wayward Nun—beneath the Hill— Whose…