The Best Fluffy Pancakes recipe you will fall in love with. Full of tips and tricks to help you make the best pancakes.

Category Edna St. Vincent Millay

The Return

Earth does not understand her child, Who from the loud gregarious town Returns, depleted and defiled, To the still woods, to fling him down.Earth can not count the sons she bore: The wounded lynx, the wounded man Come trailing blood…

From a Very Little Sphinx

I Come along in then, little girl!Or else stay out!But in the open door she stands,And bites her lip and twists her hands,And stares upon me, trouble-eyed:“Mother,” she says, “I can’t decide!I can’t decide!” II Oh, burdock, and you other…

To a Musician

Who, now, when evening darkens the water and the stream is dull,Slowly, in a delicate frock, with her leghorn hat in her hand,At your side from under the golden osiers moves,Faintly smiling, shattered by the charm of your voice? There,…

On First Having Heard the Skylark

Not knowing he rose from earth, not having seen him rise,Not knowing the fallow furrow was his home,And that high wing, untouchable, untainted,A wing of earth, with the warm loamClosely acquainted,I shuddered at his cry and caught my heart.Relentless out…


Ah, drink againThis river that is the taker-away of pain,And the giver-back of beauty! In these cool wavesWhat can be lost?—Only the sorry costOf the lovely thing, ah, never the thing itself! The level flood that lavesThe hot browAnd the…

When Caesar Fell

When Caesar fell, where yellow Tiber rolls Its heavy waters muddy,Life, that was ebbing from a hundred holes In Caesar’s body,Cried with a hundred voices to the common air, The unimperial day,“Gather me up, oh, pour me into the veins…

Pueblo Pot

There as I bent above the broken pot from the mesa pueblo,Mournfully many times its patterned shards piecing together and laying aside,Appeared upon the house-top, two Navajos enchanted, the redshafted flicker and his bride,And stepped with lovely strideTo the pergola,…

West Country Song

Sun came up, bigger than all my sorrow;Lark in air so high, and his song clean through me. Now comes night, hushing the lark in’s furrow, And the rain falls fine.What have I done with what was dearest to me?Thatch…

The Plum Gatherer

The angry nettle and the mildGrew together under the blue plum-trees.I could not tell as a childWhich was my friend of these. Always the angry nettle in the skirt of his sisterCaught my wrist that reached over the ground,Where alike…

Counting-Out Rhyme

Silver bark of beech, and sallowBark of yellow birch and yellow Twig of willow.Stripe of green in moosewood maple,Colour seen in leaf of apple, Bark of popple.Wood of popple pale as moonbeam,Wood of oak for yoke and barn-beam, Wood of…