The Best Fluffy Pancakes recipe you will fall in love with. Full of tips and tricks to help you make the best pancakes.

Category Christina Rossetti

Life Hidden

Roses and lilies grow above the placeWhere she sleeps the long sleep that doth not dream.If we could look upon her hidden face,Nor shadow would be there, nor garish gleamOf light; her life is lapsing like a streamThat makes no…

Looking Forward

Sleep, let me sleep, for I am sick of care;Sleep, let me sleep, for my pain wearies me.Shut out the light; thicken the heavy airWith drowsy incense ; let a distant streamOf music lull me, languid as a dream,Soft as…

Two Charades

IMy first is no proof ofmy second,Though my second’s a proof of my first.If I were my whole, I should tell youQuite freely my best and my worst. One clue more:—If you fail to discoverMy meaning, you’re blind as a…

Two Enigmas

IName any gentleman you spy,And there’s a chance that he is I.Go out to angle, and you mayCatch me on a propitious day.Booted and spurred, their journey ended,The weary are by me befriended.If roasted meat should be your wish,I am…

The End of the First Part

My happy happy dream is finished with,My dream in which alone I lived so long.My heart slept—woe is me, it wakeneth;Was weak—I thought it strong. Oh weary wakening from a life-true dream!Oh pleasant dream from which I wake in pain!I…

Three Nuns

1. “Sospira questo coreE non so dir perche.” Shadow, shadow on the wallSpread thy shelter over me;Wrap me with a heavy pall,With the dark that none may see.Fold thyself around me; come:Shut out all the troublesomeNoise of life; I would…

To Lalla, Reading my Verses Topsy-Turvy

Darling little Cousin,With your thoughtful lookReading topsy-turvyFrom a printed book English hieroglyphics,More mysteriousTo you than EgyptianOnes would be to us;— Leave off for a minuteStudying, and sayWhat is the impressionThat those marks convey. Only solemn silenceAnd a wondering smile :But…

Have Patience

The goblets all are broken,The pleasant wine is spilt,The songs cease. If thou wilt,Listen, and hear truth spoken.We take thought for the morrow,And know not we shall see it ;We look on death with sorrow,And cannot flee it.Youth passes like…

On Keats

A garden in a garden: a green spotWhere all is green: most fitting slumber-placeFor the strong man grown weary of a raceSoon over. Unto him a goodly lotHath fallen in fertile ground ; there thorns are not,But his own daisies;…