The Best Fluffy Pancakes recipe you will fall in love with. Full of tips and tricks to help you make the best pancakes.

Category Poem

Heaven is so far of the Mind

Heaven is so far of the Mind That were the Mind dissolved— The Site—of it—by Architect Could not again be proved—   ‘Tis vast—as our Capacity— As fair—as our idea— To Him of adequate desire No further ’tis, than Here—


“Heaven” has different Signs—to me— Sometimes, I think that Noon Is but a symbol of the Place— And when again, at Dawn,   A mighty look runs round the World And settles in the Hills— An Awe if it should…

Heart, not so heavy as mine

Heart, not so heavy as mine Wending late home— As it passed my window Whistled itself a tune— A careless snatch—a ballad—A ditty of the street— Yet to my irritated Ear An Anodyne so sweet— It was as if a…

He who in Himself believes

He who in Himself believes— Fraud cannot presume— Faith is Constancy’s Result— And assumes—from Home—   Cannot perish, though it fail Every second time— But defaced Vicariously— For Some Other Shame—

He was weak, and I was strong

He was weak, and I was strong—then— So He let me lead him in— I was weak, and He was strong then— So I let him lead me—Home.   ‘Twasn’t far—the door was near— ‘Twasn’t dark—for He went—too— ‘Twasn’t loud,…

He told a homely tale

He told a homely tale And spotted it with tears— Upon his infant face was set The Cicatrice of years—   All crumpled was the cheek No other kiss had known Than flake of snow, divided with The Redbreast of…

He strained my faith

He strained my faith— Did he find it supple? Shook my strong trust— Did it then—yield?   Hurled my belief— But—did he shatter—it? Racked—with suspense— Not a nerve failed!   Wrung me—with Anguish— But I never doubted him— ‘Tho’ for…

He put the Belt around my life

He put the Belt around my life I heard the Buckle snap— And turned away, imperial, My Lifetime folding up— Deliberate, as a Duke would do A Kingdom’s Title Deed— Henceforth, a Dedicated sort— A Member of the Cloud.  …

He parts Himself—like Leaves

He parts Himself—like Leaves— And then—He closes up— Then stands upon the Bonnet Of Any Buttercup—   And then He runs against And oversets a Rose— And then does Nothing— Then away upon a Jib—He goes—   And dangles like…