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Category Poem

The first Day that I was a Life

The first Day that I was a Life I recollect it—How still— That last Day that I was a Life I recollect it—as well— ‘Twas stiller—though the first Was still— “Twas empty—but the first Was full— This—was my finallest Occasion—…

The Fingers of the Light

The Fingers of the Light Tapped soft upon the Town With “I am great and cannot wait So therefore let me in.” “You’re soon,” the Town replied, “My Faces are asleep— But swear, and I will let you by, You…

The feet of people walking home

The feet of people walking home With gayer sandals go— The Crocus— til she rises The Vassal of the snow— The lips at Hallelujah Long years of practise bore Til bye and bye these Bargemen Walked singing on the shore.…

The face I carry with me—last

The face I carry with me—last— When I go out of Time— To take my Rank—by—in the West— That face—will just be thine— I’ll hand it to the Angel— That—Sir—was my Degree— In Kingdoms—you have heard the Raised— Refer to—possibly.…

The dying need but little, dear,–

The dying need but little, dear,– A glass of water’s all, A flower’s unobtrusive face To punctuate the wall, A fan, perhaps, a friend’s regret, And certainly that one No color in the rainbow Perceives when you are gone.

The Drop, that wrestles in the Sea

The Drop, that wrestles in the Sea— Forgets her own locality— As I—toward Thee— She knows herself an incense small— Yet small—she sighs—if All—is All— How larger—be? The Ocean—smiles—at her Conceit— But she, forgetting Amphitrite— Pleads—”Me”?

The Doomed—regard the Sunrise

The Doomed—regard the Sunrise With different Delight— Because—when next it burns abroad They doubt to witness it— The Man—to die—tomorrow— Harks for the Meadow Bird— Because its Music stirs the Axe That clamors for his head— Joyful—to whom the Sunrise…

The difference between Despair

The difference between Despair And Fear—is like the One Between the instant of a Wreck And when the Wreck has been— The Mind is smooth—no Motion— Contented as the Eye Upon the Forehead of a Bust— That knows—it cannot see—