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Category Poem

Year Of Meteors. (1859-60.)

—————   YEAR of meteors! brooding year! I would bind in words retrospective, some of your deeds and signs; I would sing your contest for the 19th Presidentiad; I would sing how an old man, tall, with white hair, mounted the…

World Take Good Notice

World, take good notice, silver stars fading, Milky hue ript, weft of white detaching, Coals thirty-six, baleful and burning, Scarlet, significant, hands off warning, Now and henceforth flaunt from these shores.

With Husky-Haughty Lips, O Sea!

With husky-haughty lips, O sea! Where day and night I wend thy surf-beat shore, Imaging to my sense thy varied strange suggestions, (I see and plainly list thy talk and conference here,) Thy troops of white-maned racers racing to the…

With Antecedents

—————   ¹WITH antecedents; With my fathers and mothers, and the accumulations of past ages; With all which, had it not been, I would not now be here, as I am: With Egypt, India, Phenicia, Greece and Rome; With the Kelt,…

With All Thy Gifts

With all thy gifts America, Standing secure, rapidly tending, overlooking the world, Power, wealth, extent, vouchsafed to thee—with these and like of these vouchsafed to thee, What if one gift thou lackest? (the ultimate human problem never solving,) The gift…

Who Learns My Lesson Complete?

Who learns my lesson complete? Boss, journeyman, apprentice, churchman and atheist, The stupid and the wise thinker, parents and offspring, merchant, clerk, porter and customer, Editor, author, artist, and schoolboy—draw nigh and commence; It is no lesson—it lets down the…

Who is now Reading This?

May-be one is now reading this who knows some wrong-doing of my past life, Or may-be a stranger is reading this who has secretly loved me, Or may-be one who meets all my grand assumptions and egotisms with derision, Or…

Whispers of Heavenly Death

—————   DAREST THOU NOW O SOUL. DAREST thou now O soul, Walk out with me toward the unknown region, Where neither ground is for the feet nor any path to follow? No map there, nor guide, Nor voice sounding, nor…

While Not the Past Forgetting

While not the past forgetting, To-day, at least, contention sunk entire—peace, brotherhood up- risen; For sign reciprocal our Northern, Southern hands, Lay on the graves of all dead soldiers, North or South, (Nor for the past alone—for meanings to the…