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Category Poem

O Where Are You Going?

“O where are you going?” said reader to rider, “That valley is fatal where furnaces burn, Yonder’s the midden whose odours will madden, That gap is the grave where the tall return.” “O do you imagine,” said fearer to farer,…

The Quarry / O What Is That Sound

O what is that sound which so thrills the earDown in the valley drumming, drumming?Only the scarlet soldiers, dear,The soldiers coming. O what is that light I see flashing so clearOver the distance brightly, brightly?Only the sun on their weapons,…

O Tell Me The Truth About Love

Some say love’s a little boy, And some say it’s a bird, Some say it makes the world go around, Some say that’s absurd, And when I asked the man next-door, Who looked as if he knew, His wife got…


Now through night’s caressing grip Earth and all her oceans slip, Capes of China slide away From her fingers into day And th’Americas incline Coasts towards her shadow line. Now the ragged vagrants creep Into crooked holes to sleep: Just…

Night Mail

This is the night mail crossing the Border, Bringing the cheque and the postal order, Letters for the rich, letters for the poor, The shop at the corner, the girl next door. Pulling up Beattock, a steady climb: The gradient’s…

Musee des Beaux Arts

About suffering they were never wrong, The Old Masters: how well they understood Its human position; how it takes place While someone else is eating or opening a window or just walking dully along; How, when the aged are reverently,…

Moon Landing

It’s natural the Boys should whoop it up for so huge a phallic triumph, an adventure it would not have occurred to women to think worth while, made possible only because we like huddling in gangs and knowing the exact…

Miss Gee

Let me tell you a little story About Miss Edith Gee; She lived in Clevedon Terrace At number 83. She’d a slight squint in her left eye, Her lips they were thin and small, She had narrow sloping shoulders And…


My dear one is mine as mirrors are lonely, As the poor and sad are real to the good king, And the high green hill sits always by the sea. Up jumped the Black Man behind the elder tree, Turned…


Lay your sleeping head, my love, Human on my faithless arm; Time and fevers burn away Individual beauty from Thoughtful children, and the grave Proves the child ephemeral: But in my arms till break of day Let the living creature…