The Best Fluffy Pancakes recipe you will fall in love with. Full of tips and tricks to help you make the best pancakes.

Category Poem

Well, So That Is That

Well, so that is that. Now we must dismantle the tree, Putting the decorations back into their cardboard boxes – Some have got broken – and carrying them up to the attic. The holly and the mistletoe must be taken down and…


Victor was a little baby, Into this world he came; His father took him on his knee and said: ‘Don’t dishonour the family name.’Victor looked up at his father Looked up with big round eyes: His father said; ‘Victor, my only son, Don’t you ever ever tell lies.’ Victor and his…

Fish in the unruffled lakes

Fish in the unruffled lakes Their swarming colours wear, Swans in the winter air A white perfection have, And the great lion walks Through his innocent grove; Lion, fish and swan Act, and are gone Upon Time’s toppling wave. We,…


If the hill overlooking our city has always been known as Adam’s Grave, only at dusk can you see the recumbent giant, his head turned to the west, his right arm resting for ever on Eve’s haunch can you learn, from the way he…

Dear, Though the Night

Dear, though the night is gone Its dream still haunts today That brought us to a room Cavernous, lofty as A railway terminus And crowded in that gloom Were beds, and we in one In a far corner lay Our…

James Honeyman

James Honeyman was a silent child He didn’t laugh or cry; He looked at his mother With curiosity.Mother came up to the nursery, Peeped through the open door, Saw him striking matches Sitting on the nursery floor. He went to the children’s party, The buns…

I burn! I burn! I freeze!

I burn! I burn! I freeze! In shame I hear my famished legions roar My own delay lost me my prey and damns myself the more Defeated, mocked, again I sink in ice and flame, in ice and flame to…

Hymn to St. Cecilia, Op. 27

Like a black swan as death came on Poured forth her song in perfect calm: And by ocean’s margin this innocent virgin Constructed an organ to enlarge her prayer And notes tremendous from her great engine Thundered out on the…