The Best Fluffy Pancakes recipe you will fall in love with. Full of tips and tricks to help you make the best pancakes.

Category Poem

Danse Macabre

It’s farewell to the drawing-room’s civilised cry, The professor’s sensible whereto and why, The frock-coated diplomat’s social aplomb. Now matters are settled with gas and with bomb.   The works for two pianos, the brilliant stories Of reasonable giants and…

For the Last Time

In gorgeous robes befitting the occasionFor weeks their spiritual and temporal lordships metTo reconcile eternity with time and setThe earth of marriage on a sure foundation :The little town was full of spies; corrupt mankindChatted or wagered on its expectation.The…

The Traveller

Holding the distance up before his face And standing under the peculiar tree, He seeks the hostile unfamiliar place, It is the strangeness that he tries to see   Of lands where he will not be asked to stay; And…

Matthew Arnold

His gift knew what he was — a dark disordered city; Doubt hid it from the father’s fond chastising sky; Where once the mother-farms had glowed protectively. Stood the haphazard alleys of the neighbour’s pity.   — Yet would have…

True Enough

His aging nature is the same As when childhood wore his name In an atmosphere of love And to itself appeared enough: Only now when he has come In walking distance of his tomb, He at last discovers who He…

To E, M. Forster

Here, though the bombs are real and dangerous, And Italy and King’s are far away, And we’re afraid that you will speak to us, You promise still the inner life shall pay.   As we run down the slope of…


Here are all the captivities; the cells are as real:But these are unlike the prisoners we knowWho are outraged or pining or wittily resigned Or just wish all away.For they dissent so little, so nearly contentWith the dumb play of…


Hell is neither here nor there Hell is not anywhere Hell is hard to bear.   It is so hard to dream posterity Or haunt a ruined century And so much easier to be.   Only the challenge to our…

Paysage Moralise

Hearing of harvests rotting in the valleys, Seeing at end of street the barren mountains. Round corners coming suddenly on water, Knowing them shipwrecked who were launched for islands, We honour founders of these starving cities Whose honour is the…

The Cultural Presupposition

Happy the hare at morning, for she cannot read The Hunter s waking thoughts, lucky the leaf Unable to predict the fall, lucky indeed The rampant suflFering suffocating jelly Burgeoning in pools, lapping the grits of the desert, But what…