The Best Fluffy Pancakes recipe you will fall in love with. Full of tips and tricks to help you make the best pancakes.

Category Poem


Nature is so near: the rooks in the college garden Like agile babies still speak the language of feeling; By the tower the river still runs to the sea and will run, And the stones in that tower are utterly…


Love had him fast but though he fought for breath He struggled only to possess Another, The snare forgotten in the little death, Till you, the seed to which he was a mother. That never heard of love, through love…

Too Dear, Too Vague

Love by ambition Of definition Suffers partition And cannot go From yes to no For no is not love; no is no The shutting of a door The tightening jaw A conscious sorrow; And saying yes Turns love into success,…

The Bonhres

Look there! The sunk road winding To the fortified farm. Listen! The cock’s alarm In the strange valley.   Are we the stubborn athletes; Are we then to begin The run between the gin And bloody falcon?   The horns…

Mundus et Infans

(For Arthur and Angelyn Stevens)   Kicking his mother until she let go of his soul Has given him a healthy appetite: clearly, her r6le In the New Order must be To supply and deliver his raw materials free; Should…

Nobody Understands Me

Just as his dream foretold, he met them all: The smiling grimy boy at the garage Ran out before he blew his horn; the tall Professor in the mountains with his large Tweed pockets full of plants addressed him hours…

Many Happy Returns

(For John Rettgei) Johnny, since today isFebruary the twelfth whenNeighbours and relationsThink of you and wish,Though a staunch Aquarian,Graciously accept theVerbal celebrationsOf a doubtful Fish. Seven years ago youWarmed your mother’s heart byMaking a successfulDebut on our stage;Naivete s an…


I It was Easter as I walked in the public gardensHearing the frogs exhaling from the pond,Watching traffic of magnificent cloudMoving without anxiety on open sky—Season when lovers and writers findAn altering speech for altering things,An emphasis on new names,…

Hongkong 1938

Its leading characters are wise and witty; Substantial men of birth and education With wide experience of administration, They know the manners of a modern city.   Only the servants enter unexpected; Their silence has a fresh dramatic use: Here…