The Best Fluffy Pancakes recipe you will fall in love with. Full of tips and tricks to help you make the best pancakes.

Category Emily Dickinson

We turn not older with years, but newer every day.

Endow the Living—with the Tears

Endow the Living—with the Tears— You squander on the Dead, And They were Men and Women—now, Around Your Fireside—   Instead of Passive Creatures, Denied the Cherishing Till They—the Cherishing deny— With Death’s Ethereal Scron—

Empty my Heart, of Thee

Empty my Heart, of Thee— Its single Artery— Begin, and leave Thee out— Simply Extinction’s Date—   Much Billow hath the Sea— One Baltic—They— Subtract Thyself, in play, And not enough of me Is left—to put away— “Myself” meanth Thee—…

Each Second is the last

Each Second is the last Perhaps, recalls the Man Just measuring unconsciousness The Sea and Spar between.   To fail within a Chance— How terribler a thing Than perish from the Chance’s list Before the Perishing!

Each life converges to some centre

Each life converges to some centre Expressed or still; Exists in every human nature A goal,   Admitted scarcely to itself, it may be, Too fair For credibility’s temerity To dare.   Adored with caution, as a brittle heaven, To…

Dying! To be afraid of thee

Dying! To be afraid of thee One must to thine Artillery Have left exposed a Friend— Than thine old Arrow is a Shot Delivered straighter to the Heart The leaving Love behind.   Not for itself, the Dust is shy,…

Dying! Dying in the night!

Dying! Dying in the night! Won’t somebody bring the light So I can see which way to go Into the everlasting snow?   And “Jesus”! Where is Jesus gone? They said that Jesus—always came— Perhaps he doesn’t know the House—…

Dust is the only Secret

Dust is the only Secret— Death, the only One You cannot find out all about In his “native town.”   Nobody know “his Father”— Never was a Boy— Hadn’t any playmates, Or “Early history”—   Industrious! Laconic! Punctual! Sedate! Bold…

Dropped into the Ether Acre

Dropped into the Ether Acre— Wearing the Sod Gown— Bonnet of Everlasting Laces— Brooch—frozen on—   Horses of Blonde—and Coach of Silver— Baggage a strapped Pearl— Journey of Down—and Whip of Diamond— Riding to meet the Earl—