The Best Fluffy Pancakes recipe you will fall in love with. Full of tips and tricks to help you make the best pancakes.

Category Edgar Allan Poe

“I have great faith in fools — self-confidence my friends call it.”

To Octavia Poem

When wit, and wine, and friends have met And laughter crowns the festive hour In vain I struggle to forget Still does my heart confess thy power And fondly turn to thee! But Octavia, do not strive to rob My…

To Miss Louise Olivia Hunter

Though I turn, I fly not — I cannot depart; I would try, but try not To release my heart. And my hopes are dying While, on dreams relying, I am spelled by art. Thus, the bright snake coiling [‘]Neath…

To Margaret

Who hath seduced thee to this foul revolt From the pure well of Beauty undefiled? So banish from true wisdom to prefer Such squalid wit to honourable rhyme? To write? To scribble? Nonsense and no more? I will not write…

To M — — [I heed not]

I heed not that my earthly lot Hath-little of Earth in it— That years of love have been forgot In the hatred of a minute:— I mourn not that the desolate Are happier, sweet, than I, But that you sorrow…

To Isaac Lea

It was my choice or chance or curse To adopt the cause for better or worse And with my worldly goods & wit And soul & body worship it —-


There are some qualities—some incorporate things,    That have a double life, which thus is made A type of that twin entity which springs    From matter and light, evinced in solid and shade. There is a two-fold Silence—sea and shore—…

Lines on Joe Locke

As for Locke, he is all in my eye, May the d—l right soon for his soul call. He never was known to lie — In bed at a reveillé roll-call.” John Locke was a notable name; Joe Locke is a greater:…