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Musicians wrestle everywhere šŸŽ·šŸŽŗ

Musicians wrestle everywhereā€”
All dayā€”among the crowded air
I hear the silver strifeā€”
Andā€”walkingā€”long before the mornā€”
Such transport breaks upon the town
I think it that “New Life”!

If is not Birdā€”it has no nestā€”
Nor “Band”ā€”in brass and scarletā€”drestā€”
Nor Tamborinā€”nor Manā€”
It is not Hymn from pulpit readā€”
The “Morning Stars” the Treble led
On Time’s first Afternoon!

Someā€”sayā€”it is “the Spheres”ā€”at play!
Some say that bright Majority
Of vanished Damesā€”and Men!
Someā€”think it service in the place
Where weā€”with lateā€”celestial faceā€”
Please Godā€”shall Ascertain!

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