The Best Fluffy Pancakes recipe you will fall in love with. Full of tips and tricks to help you make the best pancakes.

I, in Disgust with the Living, Having Read

I, in disgust with the living, having read
Much of the accomplished dead,
Was nagged by the clucking of the robin, clucking her over-fed
Young off the nest—and what a night, I said,
Raining cats and dogs and blowing like hell,
To haul babies out of bed.

And I thought: their wings will be wet,
And heavy, in the long grass; and she will not let me help her,
she is such a fuss-
Budget, and so stupid, trusting the hostile
Weather, and afraid of her friends. Oh, well.

"Afraid of her friends"?... I thought of a friendship extended
to me,
And of my rejecting it, suspicious and wary.
And then I thought of the sea making
Between Ragged and Orr's,
And between their shores four miles of open water, and the
wind blowing up, and a wicked swell, and me

Pitched and sliding and banged by the wave under the bow,
and drenched with spray, and snug and content...
Because I knew that the sea
Was not concerned with me, might possibly
Drown me, but willed me no ill.

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