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Starting All Over Again

  January 1, 1992

It's great to be able to call you
at strange hours of my night
asking you to explain
yourself wondering
if that land you approach
radar in hand
climbing an unknown sea
where sailors dare not go lightly
is my face your grandfather's
broad-lipped island face
so like mine
is your own face.

It is not wrong to hunger
for a cause till the need
burns upriver
to your heart becomes
an unquenchable taste
only you must believe
and the power to choose
your own selves
your best campaign.

I believe in you my son
and I tremble
but the whole earth is trembling
and no one is talking
more than 100,000 dead bodies
in the strange land between us
and still no word spoken
but you share my sleep
with a Kuwaiti girl
impaled twice
by the sprouting hatred of a conqueror
whose face is hidden from me
and by her brother
who loathes the child she bears.

Dark incandescent winds blow
the belch of smoldering oil wells
around the world
dimming my island sunsets
mingling with the black smoke
of Ellen Goodman's son
aflame on the Amherst green.

In one month I celebrate
the beginning of my second Saturn return
you were the gift of my first
and I trust you beyond question

In what do you believe?
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