The Best Fluffy Pancakes recipe you will fall in love with. Full of tips and tricks to help you make the best pancakes.

All these my banners be

All these my banners be.

I sow my pageantry

In May—

It rises train by train—

Then sleeps in state again—

My chancel—all the plain



To lose—if one can find again—

To miss—if one shall meet—

The Burglar cannot rob—then—

The Broker cannot cheat.

So build the hillocks gaily

Thou little spade of mine

Leaving nooks for Daisy

And for Columbine—

You and I the secret

Of the Crocus know—

Let us chant it softly—

“There is no more snow!”


To him who keeps an Orchis’ heart—

The swamps are pink with June.

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