The Best Fluffy Pancakes recipe you will fall in love with. Full of tips and tricks to help you make the best pancakes.

Portraits XIII

5 derbies-with-men-in-them smoke Helmar
cigarettes 2
play backgammon, 3 watch

a has gold
teeth b pink
suspenders c
reads Atlantis

x and y play b
cries “‘effendi” ‘“‘Uh’? “coffee”
“uh” enter
paperboy, c

buys Bawstinamereekin, exit
paperboy a finishes
Helmar lights

x and y
play, effendi approaches, sets
down coffee withdraws
a and c discuss news in

turkish x and y play b spits
x and
play, b starts armenian record

ingdo w, On phonograph

b swears in persian at phonograph
x wins exeunt ax:by;c,
Goo dnightef fendi

five men in derbies

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