The Best Fluffy Pancakes recipe you will fall in love with. Full of tips and tricks to help you make the best pancakes.

Admonition (“Yes, there is holy pleasure in thine eye!”)

Yes, there is holy pleasure in thine eye!
–The lovely Cottage in the guardian nook
Hath stirr’d thee deeply; with its own dear brook,
Its own small pasture, almost its own sky!
But covet not th’ Abode–oh! do not sigh,
As many do, repining while they look,
Sighing a wish to tear from Nature’s Book
This blissful leaf, with worst impiety.
Think what the home would be if it were thine,
Even thine, though few thy wants!–Roof, window, door,
The very flowers are sacred to the Poor,
The roses to the porch which they entwine:
Yea, all, that now enchants thee, from the day
On which it should be touch’d, would melt, and melt away!

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